Lit Candles at a Church

Ancient Faith

For Today’s Warrior

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What you’ll find with us


Devoted to preaching the whole counsel of God

found in Holy Scripture and continuing

in the teachings of the Apostles.


A family of faith bound in the love of God

and neighbor showing hospitality

to each other and the world.


Receiving outward signs of inward grace

centered on weekly Holy Eucharist.


Devoted to the early church’s ancient form of worship and prayers involving the participation of all believers. Liturgy is used from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer.

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Holy Eucharist

South Iowa Chapel

Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Google Maps

to the Chapel



What To Expect

Whether a trainee in uniform or dressed comfortably as permanent party or a community member, we all participate in worshiping God together. The clergy wear vestments (church robes).

We sing together, read four passages of Scripture together, pray aloud together, and receive Holy Communion together nearly every ​week. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive.

We follow the liturgy of the 2019 Book ​of Common Prayer (BCP) throughout the service. Red BCPs are provided as you enter the sanctuary, along with a helpful service bulletin.

We joyfully include our children to experience worship with the whole congregation. Children activity bags are available in the narthex.

Following the liturgy, everyone gathers for refreshments in the fellowship hall. We’d love to get to know you better!

Anglican Formation


Catechesis instructs, trains, forms, and sends out Christians who pursue, empowered by the Holy Spirit, the call of Jesus to live according to his gospels as citizens of his kingdom and members of his body the Church.

Learn More in this PDF

Holy Eucharist

In the Holy Eucharist,

we celebrate Word and Sacrament. Our bodies are nourished by the bread and wine and our souls

strengthened by the Body and Blood of Christ.

This grace allows us to continue to follow Christ in love and obedience.

Baptism and Confirmation

Baptism joins us to Christ’s death and resurrection. Confirmation is that mature commitment

to the faith with the empowerment of

the Holy Spirit through

the Bishop’s laying

on of hands

Daily Office

Daily prayer is vital for the growing Christian's and goes back to at least

Acts 2:42 . You can pray by yourself, with your family, with friends, at home, at church, with anyone, anywhere.

Click here to Pray Now

Trusting Jesus in the power of the Holy spirit

Soaked in Scripture

Powered by Prayer

Trusting Jesus in the power of the Holy spirit

Living Faith


The Sacraments

Our Clergy & Affiliation

Father Mike

Father Mike (Chaplain (Major)

Mike Demmon) has been in the Army ​since 2005, a priest since 2009, and ​currently teaches ethics at the US Army ​Military Police School here on FLW.

Bishop Jones

We are under the leadership and direction of Bishop Derek Jones.

Bishop Jones leads the Jurisdiction of Armed Forces Chaplaincy

within the Anglican Church in

North America (ACNA).

Contact Us

We meet Sundays at 0900 (9am)

at South Iowa Chapel

on 16th St between Iowa and Colorado

Near Nutter Field House and the USO

(behind 14th MP BDE HQs)

Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Contact Fr. Mike (Chaplain Demmon)

Mobile: (573) 842-9694

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